Introspective psychological stories

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Delightful! [I Know You Like a Murder] is a mystery told from the murderer’s point of view. Several times I suspected one person of being the murderer but the final reveal was great, complete with motive. Any lover of murder mysteries must read this creative and original take on the genre.

Andy Zach

My writing life has certainly improved since Amy became my coach!  Keeping me accountable, offering advice, counsel, and constructive criticisms and praises has kept me going. 

Honestly, I hadn’t written creatively much since college, but since she has been prodding me along, I have written more than I have in years! Amy has helped coax my story out of me slowly but surely, with encouraging words and suggestions. 

I am extremely thankful for her guidance and gentle (yet firm) reminders to keep me responsible for making sure I have written each time we meet. Thank you Amy, for your skills in coaching and encouraging!

Monica Coleman